Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam finibus purus et porttitor sodales. Nam cursus ipsum neque. Nulla magna augue, vehicula nec interdum sed, tempus eu leo. Curabitur pharetra in lorem sit amet volutpat. Aenean gravida consectetur iaculis. Etiam consequat turpis turpis, ac efficitur turpis pulvinar vitae. Suspendisse finibus dolor eu augue dignissim, non volutpat nunc venenatis. Duis vel dolor pretium, aliquam ipsum at, malesuada sem. Aliquam massa augue, dignissim a nulla quis, rhoncus dictum felis.
To create a card used in this Template you must include some
utility classes
and optionally another classes
to add visual effects.
This is a simple Card with border.
<div class="card">
This is a Card with border and fixed shadow.
<div class="card shadow">
This is a Card with border and shadow shown on :hover
<div class="transition card shadow:hover">
This is a Card without border and shadow shown on :hover
<div class="transition card shadow:hover !no-border">
This is a Card with a custom shadow
set through --shadow
class="card shadow"
style="--shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(255, 245, 223, .5)">
An overlay is an extra layer added to an element that allows us to show information over.
It is possible to show simple text passing the string throgh data-overlay
or mor complex content using a children element with the class overlay__content
It could be shown drectly or when interactig with the element.
<div class="overlay"
data-overlay="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.">
<img src="image.jpg" alt="Example"/>
<div class="transition overlay:hover"
data-overlay="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.">
<img src="image.jpg" alt="Example"/>
<div class="transition overlay:hover">
<img src="image.jpg" alt="Example"/>
<div class="overlay__content text-center">
<h1 class="text-dark font-thin">Hello</h1>
<button class="button-gradient">Say Hi</button>
class="transition overlay"
style="--overlay: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255,255,255,0), rgba(255,255,255,1))">
<img class="h-full object-cover" src="image.jpg" alt="Example"/>
<div class="overlay__content text-center">
<h1 class="text-dark font-thin">Custom Overlay</h1>
<p class="text-dark font-thin">using linear-gradient</p>
This theme comes with two kind of buttons, both customizable through CSS variables.
Also in both cases is possible to se a class to make the button
active as default.
<button class="button">
Simple Button
<button class="button button--active">
Button Active
class="button button--active"
Custom Colors
<button class="button-gradient">
Gradient Button
<button class="button-gradient button-gradient--active">
Gradient Active
<button class="button-gradient button-gradient--active"
Custom Gradient
Using the class underline
adds a beautifull gradient underline,
customizable through CSS variables and also interactive. There are two animations available on :hover
the default one underline:hover
expand the gradient up, the second one underline:after:hover
(available also without :hover
) shows the line after hover the mouse. It is also customizable
the stroke weight of the underlline through the --stroke
<h1 class="underline">
Hello World!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet interdum eros, pretium aliquam nibh. Proin rhoncus gravida eros, nec pharetra magna sollicitudin eget. Donec in venenatis ligula. Pellentesque elit mi, ultricies posuere risus nec, malesuada sagittis dui. Nunc eu ultrices enim, eu lobortis elit. Etiam a facilisis tellus, ac rutrum justo.
Lorem <span class="underline">ipsum dolor sit amet</span>
<h2 class="underline:hover">
Hello World!
Hello World!
--stroke: 7px;
<h2 class="underline:after:hover">
Hello World!
Similar to underlined text, you have the class text-gradient
which use the same default gradient to add a fill effect to the text.
Also available as a result of :hover
<h1 class="text-gradient">
Hello World!
<h1 class="text-gradient:hover transition">
Hello World!
Hello World!
Place beatuful Avatars in your website using the class avatar
in the container element. Place the img
inside and the svg
wich works as gradient ornament, with some useful classes
to customize it.
The classes to crop the rounded stroke follows this criteria crop-*
to compose the class,
where *
could be top
, right
, bottom
, left
combinations like top-right
, top-left
and so on. Each class has also a helper
wich switch the current crpo into the assigned after to:
, for example
will be visible after :hover
The size of the Avatar could be controled through the font-size
of the container
(the one with avatar
<div class="avatar">
<img class="" src="profile.jpg" alt="Profile"/>
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="absolute place-0">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="45"
fill="none" />
<div class="avatar">
<img class="" src="profile.jpg" alt="Profile"/>
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="absolute place-0 crop-left">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="45"
fill="none" />
<div class="avatar">
<img class="" src="profile.jpg" alt="Profile"/>
viewBox="0 0 100 100"
class="absolute place-0 crop-top-right to:crop-top-left">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="45"
fill="none" />
<div class="avatar em-xs">…</div>
<div class="avatar em-sm">…</div>
<div class="avatar em-base">…</div>
<div class="avatar em-lg">…</div>
In this Template we use some external libraries to animate the html elements.
To make parallax effect we use the rellax library.
Include the Plugin script
<script src="https://unpkg.com/rellax@1.10.0/rellax.js"/>
Initialize using the desired class
const rellax = new Rellax('.rellax');
Then use in the markup
<img src="…" class="rellax" />
To make the scroll smooth effect we use our scroll-smooth library.
Include the Plugin script
<script src="https://unpkg.com/scroll-smooth@1.1.0/dist/index.umd.min.js"/>
In order to initialize the anchor scroll behaviour add the following line to your scripts
In case you need to make an imperative scroll from, for example, a button
, make it
as showing below, where 0
is the position in pixels in the scrollable window area.
You could replace this parameter with an html element.
button.addEventListener('click', () => scrollSmooth.to(0))
We use our
scroll-change library
to update classes
on specific element, fired by specific trigger
in the scroll.
Include the Plugin script
<script src="https://unpkg.com/scroll-change@1.0.1/dist/index.js"/>
Set up the plugin options and initialize it.
const headerHandler = new ScrollChange({
elem: '#main-logo',
trigger: 200, // 200px from top, could be an element
classes: 'logo--alt', // class to toggle
endPoint: docHeight - window.innerHeight - 200, // remove class before end of the page
Adding the grid
class creates automatically a 2 columns grid with automatic rows based on children elements
<div class="grid">
Customize the quantity of columns by setting the css variable --columns
--columns: 1;
<div class="grid" style="--columns:4">
Keep in mind that each component that could be adjusted by setting
a css variable
could be applied the same way through inline-styles
or appending into classes in the stylesheet. Below some examples:
Thorugh inline style
<div class="grid" style="--columns:12"></div>
Through classes on the stylesheet
.grid-elem {
--columns: 12;
/* other stuff */
All the css variables
has a specific variation for each
responsive breakpoint, such as --columns-md
will be considered in viewports higher or equal tha md
. Each specific variable falls back to the default
one, in the previous example, the fallback variable is --columns
<div class="grid@sm" style="--columns:3; --columns-md:5;--columns-lg:7;--columns-xl:9"></div>
Setting the gap allow to balance the Grid items. It could be handled both horizontal and vertical
gaps together or separated. The variables available are --gap
for both sides and
for the vertical side and --row-gap
for the horizontal one.
Set columns and rows gaps equal values
<div class="grid" style="--gap:2em">
Set columns and rows gaps different values
<div class="grid" style="--column-gap:2em;--row-gap:0.125em">
As expected, we could apply responsive variations for --gap
as well as for
and --row-gap
following the same syntax, like:
, --column-gap-xl
or --row-gap-md
. Below the example.
<div class="grid" style="
--gap: 1px;
--gap-md: 10px;
--column-gap-lg: 80px;
--row-gap-lg: 20px;
--gap-xl: 120px">
Setting the variable --grid-area
we colud easily create a complex layout
taking advantage of the grid-template-areas
Each children item must have assigned a grid-area
css property assigned to be positioned right.
<div class="grid"
style="--gird-area: '__1 __2 __3'
'__4 __5 __6'
'__7 __5 __6'
'__9 __9 __8'
<div style="grid-area: __1" />
<div style="grid-area: __2" />
<div style="grid-area: __3" />
<div style="grid-area: __4" />
<div style="grid-area: __5" />
<div style="grid-area: __6" />
<div style="grid-area: __7" />
<div style="grid-area: __8" />
<div style="grid-area: __9" />
Each Grid children could be adjusted through --col
and --row
Those values accepts any valid syntax for grid-column
and grid-row respectively.
That means that we could set up the column and row initial and end line or either the spanning columns.
<div class="grid" style="--columns: 12">
<div style="--col: span 1" />
<div style="--col: span 11" />
<div style="--col: span 2" />
<div style="--col: span 10" />
<div style="--col: span 3" />
<div style="--col: span 9" />
These variables comes with the responsive modifiers, such as --col-md: 5
which fallback into --col
if wasn't declared and the viewport match the
specific @media-query
<div class="grid" style="--columns: 12">
<div style="--col: span 1; --col-lg: span 11" />
<div style="--col: span 11; --col-lg: span 1" />
<div style="--col: span 2; --col-lg: span 10" />
<div style="--col: span 10; --col-lg: span 2" />
<div style="--col: span 3; --col-lg: span 9" />
<div style="--col: span 9; --col-lg: span 3" />
The items variables comes handy also when we need to specify not only the column but also the rows spanning. Below the example. Keep in mind that the initial line number refers to the implicit grid lines and the span numbers refers to the number of columns/rows to fill.
<div class="grid" style="--columns: 6">
<div style="--col: 1;--row: 1 / span 1" />
<div style="--col: 1;--row: 2 / span 5" />
<div style="--col: 2;--row: 1 / span 2" />
<div style="--col: 2;--row: 3 / span 4" />
<div style="--col: 3;--row: 1 / span 3" />
<div style="--col: 3;--row: 4 / span 4" />
Taking advantage of the --col
and --row
variables and its responsive modifiers
we could cover pretty complex situatios like in the example below. Remember
that css variables are sensible to the cascade of the css (the first "c"), so you can take advantage and set
common variables to apply to all items in the parent element.
<div class="grid" style="
--columns: 6;
--col-lg: span 3;
--row-lg: span 3;
--col: col 1 / span 3;
--row: 1 / span 3;
<div />
<div style="--row: 2 / span 3; --col: col 2 / span 4;" />
<div />
<div style="--row: 3 / span 3; --col: col 3 / span 2;" />
Font size is relative to the font size set at root/html
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog rem-xs
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog rem-sm
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog rem-base
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog rem-lg
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog rem-xl
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog rem-2xl
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog rem-3xl
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog rem-4xl
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog rem-5xl
Font size is relative to the parent element.
Try modifying the font size base
font-size: 0.75em;
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog em-xs
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog em-sm
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog em-base
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog em-lg
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog em-xl
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog em-2xl
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog em-3xl
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog em-4xl
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog em-5xl
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog text-right
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog text-center
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog text-left
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog italic
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog font-hairline
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog font-thin
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog font-light
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog font-normal
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog font-medium
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog font-semibold
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog font-bold
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog font-extrabold